
Madawaska Middle HS MDOE art exhibit


  1. This artwork is fantastic!! Great job everyone! I’m so proud to see your work displayed like this! Congratulations!

  2. I was so surprised to see my artwork on the web. 🙂

  3. Congratulations MMHS students!! So nice to have a place to give your work the exposure it deserves. Please continue to explore your artistic side! We’re all proud of you!

  4. I projected this page onto the classroom screen for my fourth quarter, Art 6th grade class. This class is not represented in the exhibition. After reviewing each work with discussion, I asked the students, “If you are going to leave a comment, what would you say?” They voted on the following three from nine enthusiastic comments, “Madawaska has some very talented students! Each piece of art has its own individuality. All the artwork has nice value to them.”

  5. It is so great to see all this student work posted on the web. We have excellent art students all across the state of Maine! Congratulations to all the student artists and their teachers.

  6. I am happy to hear you have shared the site with your students and I see that some have also made comments individually! So glad you did this and thanks for sharing the student comments from class Therese!

  7. Surprised and hopefully proud Kendra! You should be! Thanks for sharing your artwork and keep up the good job!

  8. Thank you for commenting on the meartsed blog! Yes, the MMHS artwork is quite deserving of the electronic display.

  9. I was so pleased to see Madawaska students producing great work under the direction of a motivated art teacher. Keep up the good work.

  10. I will keep up the good job and I have a feeling that my life will revolve around photography, so I can take pictures and put them on the web.

  11. I am glad to hear photography will be an integral part of your life. My son is a student at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor where this past fall he built a canoe. He is paddling this semester and documenting his adventures on a blog using the pictures and stories. If you have a chance, check them out at http://norightangleinitiative.blogspot.com/

  12. The artwork is so full of life and character! Each piece says something about both the artist and their subject. Amazing work from such young people! Great artists!

  13. I would expect this quality of High School students. Therese is doing a fantastic job mentoring this talent.

  14. Yes, she is Don! I am glad you’ve commented your observations!

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